completed 2017, Klentnice
collaboration Dalibor Borák, Lucie Vogelová
photo David Korsa
The wine-growing community in the protected landscape area of Pálava, a few kilometres from the reservoirs of the Nové Mlýny, is characterised by its unique form, which is also meant to be preserved by the requirements for new-builds in traditional forms.
The investors wanted a flat-roofed house, one-level housing connected to the garden, and enough space for parking.

Then, at street level, there is a simple mass with a saddled roof that conceals a motorcycle garage, entrance to a house and a study with a view.
The lower level has a reinforced concrete support structure, the black sheet-sheathed upper part is made of thin-walled steel profiles.
MŮJ DŮM 07/2017Abstraktní tvář venkovské stavby
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