The house is like a child to us, it cannot be put down at any stage. We do not abandon it even after the completion is over. We are interested in how the house serves and ages.
About sustainability
Sustainability for us is optimising needs and exploiting the seemingly useless. The conscious use of locally available materials with regard to their recyclability as well as their durability.
About Landscape
We are not indifferent to the surroundings of the building. We are working with a reputable partner office of landscape architects, Terra Florida, with whom we are literally connected by family ties and by the same individual approach to your needs. Gardens and parks that resonate with the houses.
What does the award mean to us?
An award from a professional jury in a prestigious competition is as valuable for us as the ever-open doors of our previous clients' houses and established friendships working together.
The reconstruction of the housing mill received a nomination in the Czech Architecture Prize.
About small and big projects
There are no small or big tasks for us.
The Bell tower in the village of Bílovice-Lutotín won a prize in the architectural design category at the Architects Grand Prix in 2019 - the National Architecture Prize.